Insight for revenue optimization
Identifying and quantifying opportunities for revenue optimization is more effective when grounded in high quality datasets. Clir applies site and industry data, technology and expertise to provide tangible insight to improve asset and portfolio performance.

Actionable insight to improve annual energy production.

Volume modelling to support offtake agreements.
Insight for asset life planning and end of warranty.
Increase energy production
Whether by marginal gains or major corrective action, improvement of technology performance can have a big impact on the bottom line of assets. By employing a combination of analytic software, technical expertise and data insight from the wider industry, Clir creates an actionable roadmap for optimizing annual energy production. Every action is tied to the expected revenue impact, making it easy for stakeholders to understand what optimizations will provide the best financial value for your project.

Improve project valuation
Leverage data-driven insights and analytics to improve project valuation. Actionable insights to increase production can drive performance optimization in collaboration with operations teams, while risk data can support risk mitigation strategies and insurance cost reductions. This empirical evidence can be used to increase confidence in p-values and operational energy yields, enabling owners to justify a higher project valuation and advocate for cost reductions.
Certainty on offtake agreements
Industry standard approaches to production volume projections are often overly simplistic, not accounting for historical inter-day variation in weather patterns. Clir’s machine learning-powered modelling of production shape and volume simulates hourly gross energy production uncertainty bands in any month, quarter or year based on 20 years of local weather data. With the addition of peer loss data, the software also generates expected net production. This can be used to back test and improve the accuracy of volume forecasts for more favourable offtake contracts, as well as to support short and mid-term revenue planning.

Confidence in turbine performance
Clir’s analytics use high-quality, enriched data to increase investor confidence in farm performance. By quantifying and trending changes to wind farm performance through power curve analysis, nacelle-based power curves and pattern of production, Clir’s software can quickly identify when turbines are underperforming. Running these tests in parallel with other analytics, and comparing to insights gleaned from peer farms, allows causes of underperformance to be effectively pinpointed. Having data to showcase asset performance gives owners the upper hand in negotiations with service providers and OEMs.